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Tips for Visiting Walt Disney World® Resort with Food Allergies

Those with food allergies often are concerned with going to restaurants, especially when on vacation.

However, there is NO need to be anxious about food allergies when vacationing at Walt Disney World® Resort! In true Disney magic, those with food allergies are well taken care of and can eat with ease. Here are a few tips for making your dining experience even better!

Tell Disney about your allergy. When making dining reservations at a table service location, let the cast member (or your Glass Slipper Concierge travel specialist) know about your allergy so they can make a note in the reservation. It also doesn’t hurt to cast member when you check into the restaurant again. They will make sure that your waiter/waitress is aware of your allergy, and the chef will be notified as well! If you are eating at a counter service location, ask for a manager. They will bring you a binder that explains what foods are safe, and they will make sure your food is not contaminated along the way!

Look over the menus. The great thing about dining at a Disney restaurant is that the chef will let you know what appetizers, entrees and desserts are safe - or they may even make your own special entree! For example, if there is an entree that has an allergen in it, the chef may be able to create a similar dish just for you!

When in doubt, ask or pass. Sometimes you will be at a location where a chef or manager is not readily available. (Think snack kiosk.) In those situations, use caution. Pass on the foods that may contain the allergen and have a snack you know is safe. If a cast member is available, ask for a manager who can verify allergens for you. Another option is to get a list of safe foods from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) a few weeks prior to your vacation!

Bring your own snacks. It never hurts to bring your own options for a quick snack. There are also grocery stores that will delivery items directly to your resort. Bell Services will even keep the refrigerated items cold until you are in your room to put them in the fridge!

Enjoy! The best part of eating at Walt Disney World is that they make delicious allergen-free foods! Gluten free breads, dairy-free ice cream, the list goes on and on.

Gluten-free Mickey waffles image

You won’t have to worry when eating at Walt Disney World with a food allergy. Paying special attention to your concerns, the chefs, wait staff and managers will ensure your food safety. Your trip will continue to be magical in every way.

Megan Biller Glass Slipper Concierge image

Megan Biller plans magical Disney vacations as an agent with Glass Slipper Concierge. She is also the co-author of Magical Miles: The Runner’s Guide to Walt Disney World as she enjoys running and including fitness into her vacations. Check out her blog Running Toward the Prize.

Walt Disney World®



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