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Time For a New Cirque du Soleil Show at Disney Springs?

For fifteen years and over 6,000 performances the Cirque du Soleil show at Downtown Disney has wowed and wondered all who attend. I’m the first to rave about La Nouba, but enough is enough. How long is this same show in the same spot going to continue? Am I the only one out there who thinks it’s time for a change?

I mean seriously, there is no way with all the crazy stimulation out there in the world that someone is going to relish re-visiting the same venue year after year. The parks are one thing, but a single show that charges $100 plus for a decent seat is bound to be having a hard time wooing repeat clientele.

According to Forbes, Orlando ranks number one on their list of “America’s Most Visited Cities”, way above the number five ranking of Las Vegas. So tell me, why does Vegas have seven plus Cirque shows and Orlando can’t score, at the very least, a new one? Yes, yes, I know that any such show must be family-oriented. But that’s simple enough for a company as talented as Cirque. After all they did a bang up job on La Nouba, and I have no doubt that they will continue to amaze us.

Maybe something more along the lines of Vegas’s popular “Love” show featuring the Beatles but with a Disney twist. What about something based on Walt? Honestly, I can’t send clients who visit Disney year after year to the same Cirque show more than once of twice. Give me something to work with here!

La Nouba

Disney Springs™



Posted on Dec 13 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I agree! Las Vegas has so many excellent Cirque shows - it would be nice to at least have the option of another show in Orlando! Maybe switch shows on different nights? A Disney themed one would be perfect :)

Posted on Dec 13 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I agree with Megan, maybe different shows on different nights, so those who want the “original” one can still plan to see it; and so that those who want to see something new can do so also. I for one, wouldn’t pay that much to see a show I’ve already seen (even though it was an AWESOME show!).

Posted on Dec 13 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Interesting. I never thought of different shows on different nights. Not sure if it would work with the sets, but might be great.

Posted on Dec 13 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I am a true fan of Cirque - have been since I was young and saw my first show on HBO.  As a matter of fact, I just went to a Cirque show here in town this past Saturday (Dralion).  My husband and I finally broke down this past Februray and went to see La Nouba, and we were disappointed.  This particular show was much too much like a regular circus act and didn’t have the full feel of other Cirque shows. 

I would gladly pay good money for a show, but I do feel this one needs to be updated.  I don’t see why they couldn’t put a Disney twist on it.  I don’t know if Guy Laliberte and Disney hold too tightly to their own visions and won’t combine the two, but I would LOVE to see that.

Posted on Dec 13 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

My understanding is that it still sells out, primarily with groups (probably convention).  I’m sure they think that if it’s making money, why change it.

Posted on Jan 06 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Great post with lots of imorptant stuff.

Posted on May 29 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

It looks like Disney and Cirque du Soleil heard you. The last show for La Nouba will be 12/31/17. I’m guessing in the next few months they will be announcing a new show that will take over for La Nouba in 2018.

Posted on May 29 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Yes, I know. Can’t wait to hear what will replace it. Hopefully another Cirque show, but who can tell?

Posted on Aug 03 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Well while Disney won’t comment on what will replace it, the Disney Parks Blog did say, “Given Disney’s strong relationship with Cirque du Soleil over the years, we may soon have news to share about exciting new entertainment coming to Disney Springs.” So I’m hopeful it will be a new Cirque show.

Posted on Aug 03 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Sounds like it definitely may be Cirque. I hope so-love their brand of show.

Posted on Dec 16 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I like your enthusiasm for Cirque shows. I myself am enamored by highly skillful performances in a wide space. My wife and I would love to see a Holiday Cirque show to celebrate during the holidays. https://holidaydreamsshow.com/the-show

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