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Gluten-Free Walt Disney World

I was looking forward to something while at Walt Disney World. Eating of course! My husband and I had scheduled some amazing restaurants – a few of our favorites and a few new ones to try. However, this time something was much different…I could no longer eat gluten.

Normally this would send me into a bit of a frenzy; however, Disney handles food allergies so extremely well I wasn’t concerned at all. All of my dining reservations noted my my allergy, and I was assured that all would be fine.

And it was more than fine. It was amazing!

Ice cream 2

At each restaurant my allergy was noted on our reservation slip. At a few restaurants the waitress/waiter helped me navigate the menu, but at most restaurants the chef came directly to our table. That’s right, we got to meet the chefs! They helped me decide what I could have on the menu – or how they could change it to make it gluten-free.

Check out the gluten-free Mickey waffles. I would love to have an endless supply of these. So yummy.

And sometimes they even made me my own personalized dish! Take our favorite restaurant, Ohana, for example. Here they continually bring you side dishes and meat. However, a lot of the food contains gluten so the chef made me my own chicken wings, vegetables, and rice. He also let me know what meats were okay to have. We almost had to roll out of the restaurant!


At other restaurants the entrees I enjoyed included sauces that I normally couldn’t have, but here they took special care to make sure it was gluten- free. They even brought gluten-free bread and rolls to the table.

But most importantly I had the most amazing desserts. It’s a wonder I didn’t gain 10 pounds on this vacation!


Ice Cream

It’s okay to drool over the photos – I certainly do!

So needless to say, having a food intolerance or allergy is no big deal at Disney. They take extra care to make sure you don’t have a reaction of any kind so you can truly enjoy your vacation!

Megan Biller plans magical Disney vacations as an agent with Glass Slipper Concierge. Check out her blog, Running Toward The Prize.

Disney Dining Reviews, Walt Disney World®



Posted on Mar 20 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

In order to help you find gluten free and allergy friendly food at Disney World, there’s a new app now on Apple and the Droid- Gluten Free Disney World!

Posted on Mar 20 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

It’s amazing! There must be an app for everything now.

Posted on Apr 12 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

For food allergies you may want to check out AllergyEats they have a section just on Walt Disney World Dining

Posted on Apr 12 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Thanks for the information Tasha!

Posted on May 04 by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Went on this ship for our honeymoon. It is an abstluoely spectacular vessel.Make sure you get to eat at PALO while on it. The food there is out of this world for the price. Completely worth it. Just make sure you don’t eat there on the first night of your cruise like we did. It will make the other meals at the main dinning rooms feel disappointing. Otherwise, the cruise was spectacular!

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